Rojas-Robot Contact Task State Estimation via Position-based Action Grammars [arxiv] [ieee] [bibtex]
Juan Rojas, Zhengjie Huang, and Kensuke Harada.

Uncertainty is a major difficulty in endowing robots with autonomy. Robots often fail due to unexpected events. In robot contact tasks are often design to empirically look for force thresholds to define state transitions in a Markov chain or finite state machines. Such design is prone to failure in unstructured environments, when due to external disturbances or erroneous models, such thresholds are met, and lead to state transitions that are false-positives. The focus of this paper is to perform high-level state estimation of robot behaviors and task output for robot contact tasks. Our approach encodes raw low-level 3D cartesian trajectories and converts them into a high level (HL) action grammars. Cartesian trajectories can be segmented and encoded in a way that their dynamic properties, or “texture” are preserved. Once an action grammar is generated, a classifier is trained to detect current behaviors and ultimately the task output. The system executed HL state estimation for task output verification with an accuracy of 86%, and behavior monitoring with an average accuracy of: 72%. The significance of the work is the transformation of difficult-to-use raw low-level data to HL data that enables robust behavior and task monitoring. Monitoring is useful for failure correction or other deliberation in high-level planning, programming by demonstration, and human-robot interaction to name a few.




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